Clean your code as your closet

Clean code

The Importance of Staying Organized: Lessons from Cleaning a Closet and a Software Project

We’ve all faced the terrible job of organizing a crowded closet. Seeing the mounds of clothes, shoes, and accessories that have gathered over time might be intimidating. The same may be true for a software project that has grown clogged with erroneous code. But what if we tackled both of these jobs differently? Instead of waiting for things to get out of hand, how about we take the initiative to keep organized?

First idea: Clean your closet only when it gets really messy

This strategy can be beneficial, but it also implies that you are continually catching up. You’ll spend a lot of time looking through goods you haven’t used in months, deciding what to retain and what to toss. Even once you clean the closet, it’s only a matter of time until it becomes cluttered again.

Second idea: Organize your closet every time you take something out

This ensures that the closet is always clean. This method involves a little more discipline, but it also means you’ll spend less time searching through belongings and more time relaxing in a clutter-free environment. You are staying on top of things and keeping the closet orderly rather than waiting for things to get out of hand.

The same is true for code in a software project. If you clean up parts of the code every time you touch it, the code will always be in good shape. This method is known as “code hygiene,” and it is a must-have skill for any software engineer. It is simpler to read, comprehend, and maintain code that is clean. This is especially crucial when working on a team with many developers working on various portions of the codebase. You make it easier for others to comprehend and work with the code if you keep it tidy.

Finally, the main message is that keeping organized necessitates discipline and consistency. Whether you’re cleaning a closet or working on a software project, being proactive and staying on top of things may save you a lot of time and trouble in the long run. So, the next time you’re tempted to put off cleaning up that crowded closet or allowing the codebase become disorganized, remember the value of remaining organized.