Software development for financial applications in 2023


Software development for financial applications in 2023

On the 13th of March 2023, I did talk to a group of students at the university where I studied (UACH), every year the university creates a week-long conference where celebrities from different industries or old students present diverse topics about engineering in general.

I found it interesting how some modern applications require to scale tremendously, after almost two years working in the financial sector for an investment platform with hundreds of thousands of clients generating traffic all the time, and the importance of serving proper and updated data to all of them, it can say; is a big challenge.

Nevertheless, the scale from one company to another could differ, but some patterns are constant for many of them. I wanted to show two points, reactive programming, and event-driven architecture, I create a simple code base that streams data from an API, and all events from the API are captured in a message broker to be processed by any component that wants that is interested in the type of event.